Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Fire!!!

Well, as some of you know I m living at a Dorm with young students and elderly ladies and's really nice ... and different... The most striking thing is: the old ladies kind of put fire in their rooms... out of the blule the alarm in the corridor SETS OFF ...and a voice: " calm down, remain in you room, there s fire in the South Tower" Remain in your rooms????? My God, of course i went down...and to my surprise, everybody was walking calmly among the dozens of firefighters ( who were also walking and talking calmly)...well I heard the fire is quite common over here!!!! Yep folks, it happened again, yesterday night, and THIS TIME, I can prove it, I recorded:


  1. Run Baby, Run!

    kisses, take care!!

  2. ih..vai ter que deixar uma malinha pronta... vai que tem que sair correndo..kkk

  3. Take care......

    miss you....


  4. Olá!!!!
    Eu, a Marcinha e o Luan vimos o seu Blog. Gostamos do seu quarto e da biblioteca.

    Beijos. Saudades.
